Struck in Alexandria for Tyre
Los 1576
PHOENICIA. Tyre. Trajan, 98-117. Tetradrachm (Silver, 27 mm, 14.91 g, 6 h), struck in Alexandria, for use in Phoenicia, RY 12 = 108/9. AYT KAI NEPOYA TPAIANOY Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust of Trajan to right. Rev. CЄB•ΓЄΡ ΔΑ•KI ΔHM ЄΞ•YΠ - L IB Laureate bust of Melqart-HerAKles to right, lion's skin tied around neck. Prieur 1524. McAlee 456. RPC III 3530. Very rare and in exeptional condition for this interesting issue. Minor graffito on the obverse and with light roughness on the reverse, otherwise, nearly extremely fine.

From the collection of a Cosmopolitan, acquired before 2005.

The inclusion of Alexandrian-style dating on the reverse of this Tyrian tetradrachm of Trajan, situated beneath the image of Melqart, along with its general stylistic attributes, strongly suggests its origin in Alexandria. McAlee proposed that this arose from the earlier issues for Tyre being crafted in Rome. Consequently, when the imperial mint ceased issuing Tyrian tetradrachms, production was moved to Alexandria until a proper mint in Tyre had been set up to produce them locally.
200 CHF
2000 CHF
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